In start of Feb whenever I add any new post to github. It was not showing up on my blog. This post is about the issue behind missing jekyll posts.

It all stated when I pushed one post on 2nd Feb. I got a failure email from github:

The page build failed with the following error:

Your site is using the relative_permalinks configuration option. This setting is deprecated as has been removed from the latest version of Jekyll. To ensure your site continues to build as expected, remove the option from your site’s configuration and update any post or page permalinks to be absolute to the site root, not the parent folder. For more information, see

If you have any questions you can contact us by replying to this email.

I solved this by removing the relative_permalink from _config.yml.

Missing post issue

For this I tried to take help of github support and they helped. Let me paste the email itself. It will explain the issue to:

> Yes, page showed up two days late.
> Then, I pushed
> yesterday and showed within last hour.
> Then,
> I posted two hours ago and it is still not showed up.
> I am not sure whats happening, but there is some delay/issue for sure.

Thanks for the extra info. Perhaps this is the issue:

rouge the highlighter

I also received the following warning in email:

You are attempting to use the ‘pygments’ highlighter, which is currently unsupported on GitHub Pages. Your site will use ‘rouge’ for highlighting instead. To suppress this warning, change the ‘highlighter’ value to ‘rouge’ in your ‘_config.yml’. For more information, see

To solve this I first changed the highlighter in _config.yml to rouge. On running the server I got the following error:

Dependency Error:  Yikes! It looks like you don't have rouge or one of its dependencies installed. In order to use Jekyll as currently configured, you'll need to install this gem. The full error message from Ruby is: 'cannot load such file -- rouge' If you run into trouble, you can find helpful resources at! 
  Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Markdown encountered an error converting '_posts/2015/04/2015-04-19-mongo-internal.markdown/#excerpt'.
  Conversion error: rouge

To solve this I updated the github-pages gem by running bundle update command in my project root.

Before update:

$ github-pages versions
| Gem                   | Version |
| jekyll                | 2.4.0   |
| jekyll-coffeescript   | 1.0.1   |
| jekyll-sass-converter | 1.3.0   |
| kramdown              | 1.5.0   |
| maruku                | 0.7.0   |
| rdiscount             | 2.1.7   |
| redcarpet             | 3.3.2   |
| RedCloth              | 4.2.9   |
| liquid                | 2.6.2   |
| pygments.rb           | 0.6.3   |
| jemoji                | 0.5.0   |
| jekyll-mentions       | 0.2.1   |
| jekyll-redirect-from  | 0.8.0   |
| jekyll-sitemap        | 0.8.1   |
| jekyll-feed           | 0.3.1   |

After update:

$ github-pages versions
| Gem                       | Version |
| jekyll                    | 3.0.3   |
| jekyll-sass-converter     | 1.3.0   |
| jekyll-textile-converter  | 0.1.0   |
| kramdown                  | 1.9.0   |
| rdiscount                 | 2.1.8   |
| redcarpet                 | 3.3.3   |
| RedCloth                  | 4.2.9   |
| liquid                    | 3.0.6   |
| rouge                     | 1.10.1  |
| jemoji                    | 0.5.1   |
| jekyll-mentions           | 1.0.1   |
| jekyll-redirect-from      | 0.9.1   |
| jekyll-sitemap            | 0.10.0  |
| jekyll-feed               | 0.4.0   |
| jekyll-gist               | 1.4.0   |
| jekyll-paginate           | 1.1.0   |
| github-pages-health-check | 1.0.1   |
| jekyll-coffeescript       | 1.0.1   |
| jekyll-seo-tag            | 1.0.0   |

And it worked.

Markdown engine warning

I am still getting following warning:

The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning:

You are currently using the 'redcarpet' Markdown engine, which will not be supported on GitHub Pages after May 1st. At that time, your site will use 'kramdown' for markdown rendering instead. To suppress this warning, remove the 'markdown' setting in your site's '_config.yml' file and confirm your site renders as expected. For more information, see

To solve this I added following to _config.yml and removed redcarpet:

markdown:         kramdown
  input: GFM
  hard_wrap: false

Finally it solved everything.