We were using evernote to keep our startup ideas. Today we decided to use trello for the same as it has many more things to give: comments, lists, assignment etc. There is no direct way to shift our current list of ideas to trello. So I decided to do it programmatically. Here are the steps:

Getting data from evernote

Evernote has a quick starter guide for the same.

  1. The first thing we need it to install the python wrapper for evernote lib: pip install evernote
  2. Create new empty python project with intellij.
  3. Get dev tokens:
    1. Sandbox
    2. Production
  4. Write basic code to connect and get the evernote client as defined in the sample code by evernote guys

    ```python import evernote.edam.userstore.constants as UserStoreConstants import evernote.edam.type.ttypes as Types

    from evernote.api.client import EvernoteClient

    # Real applications authenticate with Evernote using OAuth, but for the # purpose of exploring the API, you can get a developer token that allows # you to access your own Evernote account. To get a developer token, visit # https://sandbox.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action auth_token = “your developer token”

    if auth_token == “your developer token”: print “Please fill in your developer token” print “To get a developer token, visit “ \ “https://sandbox.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action” exit(1)

    # Initial development is performed on our sandbox server. To use the production # service, change sandbox=False and replace your # developer token above with a token from # https://www.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action client = EvernoteClient(token=auth_token, sandbox=True) ```

  5. Write code to fetch notes inspired by this SO answer. To do this we first have to search the notebook by its name using findNotesMetadata.To query notebook by name we need search grammar.

    ```python # get user store user_store = evernote_client.get_user_store() # check if API version is fine version_ok = user_store.checkVersion( “Evernote EDAMTest (Python)”, user_store_constants.EDAM_VERSION_MAJOR, user_store_constants.EDAM_VERSION_MINOR ) print “Is my Evernote API version up to date? “, str(version_ok) if not version_ok: exit(1)

     # get notes store
     note_store = evernote_client.get_note_store()
     # search for the notebook named ideas
     note_filter = NoteStore.NoteFilter()
     note_filter.words = 'notebook:"{}"'.format(EVERNOTE_NOTEBOOK_NAME)
     notes_metadata_result_spec = NoteStore.NotesMetadataResultSpec()
     notes_metadata_list = note_store.findNotesMetadata(note_filter, 0, NUM_EVERNOTE_NOTES, notes_metadata_result_spec)
     # get all the notes in the ideas notebook
     notes = {}
     print "Fetching notes..."
     for note_metadata in notes_metadata_list.notes:
         note_guid = note_metadata.guid
         # fetch complete note
         note = note_store.getNote(note_guid, True, True, False, False)  ```

Creating card in trello

Trello also have a well defined api docs.

  1. Install py-trello, the python wrapper of trello api: pip install py-trello
  2. Get api keys: (Developer API Keys)[https://trello.com/1/appKey/generate]
  3. Get oauth keys using the util defined in py-trello.

    ```python from trello import util

    api_key = ‘xxxx’ api_secret = ‘xxxx’

    util.create_oauth_token(key=api_key, secret=api_secret)


  4. Write code to get the trello client

    python # connect to trello trello_api_key = 'xxxx' trello_api_secret = 'xxxx' # this oauth token and secret are fetched using trello_oauth_util.py trello_oauth_token = "xxxx" trello_oauth_token_secret = "xxxx" trello_client = TrelloClient(api_key=trello_api_key, api_secret=trello_api_secret, token=trello_oauth_token, token_secret=trello_oauth_token_secret)

  5. Write code to add a card

    python for board in trello_client.list_boards(): if TRELLO_BOARD_NAME == board.name: for board_list in board.all_lists(): if TRELLO_LIST_NAME == board_list.name: board_list.add_card("title", desc="content") break

Converting html to markdown

Evernote returns description data in html while trello stores data in markdown. So I used html2text to convert html to markdown.

  1. Install html2text: pip install html2text
  2. Write the code to convert html to markdown.

    python import html2text print html2text.html2text("<p>Hello, world.</p>")

Complete code

__author__ = 'aapa'

import warnings

from trello import TrelloClient
import html2text


def fetch_evernote_notes():
    global notes, title
    from evernote.edam.notestore import NoteStore
    from evernote.edam.userstore import constants as user_store_constants
    from evernote.api.client import EvernoteClient
    # Real applications authenticate with Evernote using OAuth, but for the
    # purpose of exploring the API, you can get a developer token that allows
    # you to access your own Evernote account. To get a developer token, visit
    # https://sandbox.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action
    # sandbox
    # sandbox_auth_token = \
    #     "xxx"
    # Initial development is performed on our sandbox server. To use the production
    # service, change sandbox=False and replace your
    # developer token above with a token from
    # https://www.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action
    # client = EvernoteClient(token=sandbox_auth_token, sandbox=True)
    # original
    production_auth_token = \
    evernote_client = EvernoteClient(token=production_auth_token, sandbox=False)

    # get user store
    user_store = evernote_client.get_user_store()
    # check if API version is fine
    version_ok = user_store.checkVersion(
        "Evernote EDAMTest (Python)",
    print "Is my Evernote API version up to date? ", str(version_ok)
    if not version_ok:

    # get notes store
    note_store = evernote_client.get_note_store()
    # search for the notebook named ideas
    note_filter = NoteStore.NoteFilter()
    note_filter.words = 'notebook:"{}"'.format(EVERNOTE_NOTEBOOK_NAME)
    notes_metadata_result_spec = NoteStore.NotesMetadataResultSpec()
    notes_metadata_list = note_store.findNotesMetadata(note_filter, 0, NUM_EVERNOTE_NOTES, notes_metadata_result_spec)
    # get all the notes in the ideas notebook
    notes = {}
    print "Fetching notes..."
    for note_metadata in notes_metadata_list.notes:
        note_guid = note_metadata.guid

        # fetch complete note
        note = note_store.getNote(note_guid, True, True, False, False)
        title = note.title
        notes[title] = note.content

        if None != note.resources:
            print "resources are present for card: {}".format(title)

    return notes

def get_trello_list():
    # connect to trello
    trello_api_key = 'xxxx'
    trello_api_secret = 'xxxx'
    # this oauth token and secret are fetched using trello_oauth_util.py
    trello_oauth_token = "xxxx"
    trello_oauth_token_secret = "xxxx"
    trello_client = TrelloClient(api_key=trello_api_key, api_secret=trello_api_secret, token=trello_oauth_token,
    # fetch the desired board
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    for board in trello_client.list_boards():
        if TRELLO_BOARD_NAME == board.name:
            for board_list in board.all_lists():
                if TRELLO_LIST_NAME == board_list.name:
                    return board_list

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "####### Getting notes from evernote..."
    evernote_notes = fetch_evernote_notes()
    print "{} notes fetched from evernote".format(len(evernote_notes))

    print "\n####### Fetching trello list to create new cards"
    trello_list = get_trello_list()

    print "\n####### Creating cards from notes..."
    counter = 1
    for title, content in evernote_notes.iteritems():
        content = html2text.html2text(content.decode('utf-8'))
        card = trello_list.add_card(title, desc=content)
        print "Card created: [{}] {}".format(counter, title)
        counter += 1

    print "\n####### Phew! Bye."


  1. The Evernote SDK for Python Quick-start Guide
  2. evernote/evernote-sdk-python
  3. Read My Own Evernotes
  4. Search Grammar
  5. findNotesMetadata
  6. Trello API Documentation
  7. sarumont/py-trello
  8. Trello - Developer API Keys
  9. Getting your Trello OAuth Token
  10. aaronsw/html2text